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Start Business With Nothing 2024

How to Start a Business With Nothing in 2024 — 5 Successful CEOs & Founders Tell Us How It's Done!

Joshua Julien Brouard

Joshua Julien Brouard

12 January 20246 min read

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How to Start a Business With Nothing in 2024 — 5 Successful CEOs & Founders Tell Us How It's Done!

Trying to start a business with almost nothing in 2024? You're in good company! We contacted five highly successful CEOs and founders to discover how they turned nothing into something significant.

Their stories reveal the power of a great business idea and highlight the value of leveraging online business platforms and free resources to kickstart their ventures. Each narrative is a testament to the creative use of digital tools and strategic thinking in transforming a business idea into a thriving business venture.

1. Dan Dillon: CEO's journey from humble beginnings to leading a multi-million dollar e-commerce empire.

Photo of Daniel Dillon, CEO of CleanItSupply.

Dan Dillon, CEO of, shares his inspiring journey from humble beginnings to e-commerce success:

"As a suburban Philadelphia native, my journey began humbly, cleaning homes as part of my family's cleaning business at the age of just ten.

Undeterred by initial skepticism about the internet's potential, I started in 2005 with nothing more than sheer grit and a passion for janitorial products.

The early days were racked with challenges, from generating customer trust to establishing supply lines. Driven by a commitment to customers, I produced over 6,000 product videos, becoming 'Danny D' to my online audience.

Today, is a successful multi-million dollar e-commerce platform.

My story holds two key takeaways for aspiring entrepreneurs: first, the importance of customer-focused strategies - understand what your customer needs and deliver it in a way that becomes a part of their life.

Second, the willingness to embrace risks - moving our business online was risky, but it opened up horizons we couldn't have imagined. Embracing this approach, anyone can turn small beginnings into great successes."

Curious about Dan's product videos? Here's a recent one he produced:

2. Abhi Madan: Co-founding Amarra and revolutionizing global formalwear from the ground up (now at 850+ retailers)

Photo of Abhi Madan, Co-Founder of Amarra.

Abhi Madan, co-founder of Amarra, discusses turning a passion for fashion into a global formalwear phenomenon:

"Starting with absolutely nothing but a heartfelt passion for fashion, today Amarra has become an icon in the industry, present in over 850 stores worldwide.

The journey wasn't easy. Our initial phase involved countless hours of conceptualizing, sketching, and testing materials on a tiny budget. The breakthrough came when our first collection proved popular among a niche market, giving us the means to reinvest and expand.

Sustainable fashion has always been at our core, and we've remained committed to that passion. This commitment not only gives us an edge over competitors but also helps us resonate with a broader customer base that supports conscientious shopping.

Further, an essential part of our success revolves around ensuring a strong online presence. Through effective e-commerce strategies, digital marketing, and staying up-to-date with market trends, we've managed to transcend geographical boundaries and reach a global audience."

3. Oleg Segal: The visionary behind DealA's transformation into a digital savings powerhouse.

Photo of Oleg Segal, Founder of DealA.

Oleg Segal, Founder of DealA, details his entrepreneurial adventure from concept to a leading digital savings platform.

"Starting a business with virtually nothing has its steep challenges, but for me, it was the persistence and clarity of vision that turned the table. When I initially launched, a dedicated platform for unlocking digital savings, it was without much capital or manpower.

The early stages were marked by leveraging free tools for web development, moonlighting to fundraise, and executing hands-on digital marketing to drive grassroots growth.

A few key strategies that I used; 1) Nurturing a lean, highly efficient remote team, leading to substantially reduced overhead costs. 2) Employing data analysis to understand the nuances of our customer behavior, enabling precision targeting.

3) Constantly fine-tuning our platform for user-friendliness, to ensure ease of use in finding promotional codes from an extensive pool of brands. 4) Leveraging strategic partnerships with these brands, thus accelerating network growth while maintaining sustainable cost structures.

The path to success was far from linear, but truly exemplifies how one can erect a thriving business from the ground up, regardless of the initial resources at their disposal."

4. Simon Bacher: From concept to 10 million downloads - the Ling App success story.

Photo of Simon Bacher, Co-Founder of Ling App.

Simon Bacher, Co-Founder of Ling App, narrates the incredible rise of a language app from an idea to millions of users:

"From starting with nothing more than an idea back in 2015, I navigated the world of startups to turn Ling App into a language learning platform with over 10 million downloads today. I co-founded Ling App with no financial backing, relying heavily on my background in Information Systems and Business Informatics.

The early days were all about self-learning, persistence, and agility. For example, to save costs, I utilized my IT skills to develop the initial prototype myself. As app downloads began to pick up, revenue was then plowed back into the business for further development and marketing.

A significant turning point for us was overcoming the scalability challenge. We developed an AI-powered algorithm that helped personalize the learning for individual users, thus improving their experience and enhancing word-of-mouth referrals.

Finally, our unique approach to the 'freemium' model set us apart. Instead of hiding valuable features behind a paywall, we provided substantial content for free, with optional in-app purchases. This strategy significantly boosted our user retention and growth.

At the end of the day, starting a business with nothing required a mix of resourcefulness, resilience, technical skills, and a firm belief in our mission to make language learning accessible and fun for all."

5. Ryan Farley: Charting the LawnStarter success story – from ambitious goals to leading a market-changing venture.

Ryan Farley, CEO of LawnStarter, shares insights on setting ambitious goals to build a successful business from scratch:

"I would say I had success developing my business from nothing because I had solid short term and long term goals right from the start. I would also highly recommend entrepreneurs looking to build a business with nothing to go into this process under the guidance of a mentor.

A mentor can not only help provide valuable experience as you navigate your first steps, they can help you establish constructive goals that can help lead you along the way to establishing a successful business."

Looking to start a business with no money in 2024? It's a marathon, not a sprint.

The journey from a simple idea to a thriving business in 2024 is never a straight path. It's a blend of perseverance, innovation, and strategic planning. Our featured entrepreneurs demonstrate that being a business owner isn't just about having access to resources like small business loans or substantial capital.

It's about a mindset that embraces challenges and turns them into opportunities. Each story underscores the importance of a well-thought-out business model grounded in thorough market research and a deep understanding of customer needs.

Aspiring entrepreneurs should take heart from these tales. The road to success might be paved with obstacles. Still, with determination, ingenuity, and the right approach to your business model, market research, and resource utilization – even the smallest venture can achieve remarkable growth.

Whether leveraging free resources, embracing digital platforms, or understanding the intricacies of small business loans, the key lies in being proactive and continually learning.

Let these stories inspire you to embark on your entrepreneurial journeyRemember, every successful business owner started somewhere, and with the right approach, your business idea could be the next big success story.

Heads up — leaders are readers! 

Scale up your business today with our latest article “5 Must-Read Books to Scale Up Your Business in 2024.”


How do you start a business with nothing?

Starting a business with no money might seem daunting, but it's achievable. The key is to begin with a solid business plan that outlines your idea, potential customers, and growth strategies. Focus on businesses requiring minimal upfront costs, such as service-based or online businesses. Utilizing digital tools and platforms can also greatly reduce initial expenses.

Networking, leveraging free online resources, and starting part-time while keeping your day job can also help you gradually build your business without significant financial investment.

What does nobody tell you about starting a business?

One often overlooked aspect of starting your own business is the emotional and psychological challenges involved. Small business owners frequently face high stress, uncertainty, and pressure to make all the decisions. It's not just about financial risks but also the resilience and adaptability required to navigate unforeseen challenges.

Balancing personal life with the demands of a new business can also be a significant challenge — something that many entrepreneurs only realize after they have embarked on their business journey.

How do I start a business I know nothing about?

Starting a business in an unfamiliar field requires thorough research and planning. Begin by immersing yourself in the industry through market research, reading relevant materials, and talking to experts in the field. Developing a comprehensive business plan is crucial to understanding the market, competition, and your business's potential.

It's also beneficial to find a mentor or partner with experience in the industry. Remember, being willing to learn and adapt is as important as your initial knowledge about the business.

Can everyone start a business with no money?

While starting a business with no money is challenging, it's not impossible. However, it's important to note that not everyone may find it feasible, depending on their circumstances, the type of business, and the market environment.

Businesses that are service-oriented or based online often require less capital to start. Potential entrepreneurs should assess their skills, resources, and business idea's feasibility in a no-capital situation. Creativity, networking, and a strong business plan can compensate for a lack of initial funding to a certain extent.

What is the cheapest business to start?

The cheapest business to start typically requires minimal overhead and can be operated from home. This includes service-based businesses like consulting, virtual assistance, freelance writing, and graphic design.

Online businesses, such as dropshipping or affiliate marketing, can also be cost-effective since they don't require a physical storefront or large inventory. For aspiring entrepreneurs, the key is to leverage the skills and resources they already have, thus reducing the need for significant money upfront.

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Joshua J. Brouard has a diverse background. He has studied bachelor of commerce with a major in law, completed SEO and digital marketing certifications, and has years of experience in content marketing. Skilled in a wide range of topics, he's a versatile and knowledgeable writer.