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Small Business Ideas

Want to Start a Business But Have No Ideas?

Lindokuhle Mkhize

Lindokuhle Mkhize

19 July 20232.39 min read

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Small business ideas

Are you an entrepreneur interested in starting your own business? Or a small business owner? This blog provides you with the best small business ideas, tips, and inspiration. Let's turn your great business idea into a thriving reality!

How to start a profitable business idea

Looking for ideas and guidance on the most accessible online business ideas? Or how to get a successful business idea started?

Start by developing a business plan. A structured plan is essential for outlining your vision. It acts as a road map for your business and can help secure funding if needed. Successful small businesses identify a demand within a target market.

Most successful small business ideas to start in 2023

Now, let's address some of the most profitable:

  • Food Delivery Service: With the increasing popularity of food delivery apps, food delivery ventures stand to be a lucrative business market. Consider the following options:
    • A local catering business.
    • A food truck business.
    • Partnering with local business owners.
  • Personal Training Business: If you have fitness expertise, put it to good use! You can offer personal trainer sessions at:
    • Client's homes.
    • Parks.
    • Existing gym facilities.
  • Bed and Breakfast Business: Capitalize on a revenue stream within your home. Renovate a spare room or property in a desirable location. Provide comfortable accommodations and unique experiences to attract guests.
  • Affiliate marketing: This business model allows you to earn a commission. All you have to do is promote other people's products or services.
  • Online store/Dropshipping: This is a business system that lets someone sell products without having inventory. Join Shopify and build your own online store.
  • Landscaping: Landscaping services are in demand. People value well-maintained outdoor spaces. Consider both local residential and commercial properties. Draw up flexible packages to service consumers.
  • Virtual event planning business: The virtual event industry has experienced significant growth. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has established this venture as lucrative.
  • Property management: The demand for rental is increasing, driven by factors such as:
    • Changing demographics.
    • Lifestyle preferences.
    • Economic factors.
  • As more individuals and families choose to rent, property owners need professional management services to handle the following:
    • Tenant screening.
    • Lease agreements.
    • Rent collection.
    • Property maintenance.

Which small business idea has the lowest startup costs?

Several online businesses require low startup costs, making them accessible options for entrepreneurs with limited capital. Here are a few examples:

  1. Online Consulting Business: You can start your own online business if you have specialized skills or expertise in areas like:
  • Marketing or event planning.
  • Writing or programming.
  • Consulting for personal and business finances.

You only need a computer, an internet connection, and the ability to market your services effectively.

  1. Social Media Manager: Businesses often seek professionals to manage their social media accounts. This is a very lucrative business idea with minimal costs. Offer digital marketing services like content creation, scheduling, and community management.
  2. IT Consulting: With flexible hours in this high-demand industry, you can be your own boss with your own hours. Take an online course to brush up on a niche market skill. Offer services such as web development, graphic design, and own website building.
  3. Cleaning service: This is an excellent small business idea for small business owners. Offer cleaning services to local social media groups or residential properties.

Remember, ideas are not enough on their own. Execution, planning, and adaptability are equally vital for them to become successful.

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Lindokuhle Mkhize, a skilled creative copywriter and content lead at Trademarkia, brings a wealth of experience in driving innovation and managing teams. With previous success in starting and growing the Innovation and Marketing department at her former creative agency, Lindokuhle boasts expertise in leadership and delivering compelling content. Based in South Africa, Lindokuhle's work focuses on key themes of creativity, effective communication, and strategic marketing.