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Frequently Asked Questions

What does actively using a trademark entail and why is it important?

Actively using a trademark involves promoting, displaying, and advertising the mark. It's not mandatory to sell products or services under the mark, but it's crucial to keep the trademark registration active and enforceable. This includes renewing the mark as needed and ensuring that any changes made to the mark are applied in all countries where it's registered. The importance of actively using a trademark lies in maintaining exclusive rights to it. A trademark is synonymous with a company's commercial identity and reputation. When people see your trademark, they associate it with their experiences with your brand. Therefore, actively using a trademark helps to establish and reinforce your brand identity in the market. Moreover, active use of a trademark is a key part of protecting your intellectual property rights. It's your responsibility to monitor for potential infringements and take necessary legal action to protect your trademark. This includes reporting the activity, contacting the infringer, and pursuing legal action if needed.

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